
Persona Wesoła

The acclaimed photo The Blue Marble can be described as one of the most recognisable selfies taken by Planet Earth. What kind of selfie could Wesoła take?

In classical Roman religion, a genius loci was the protective spirit of a place. Although today we are far less engaged with the presence of spirits among us, we still feel strongly that each place has its own importance and unique value. We seek such spirits together with guides including architects, authors and urban gardeners as part of a series of walks around Wesoła. We will document our findings so that we can use workshop techniques to develop Wesoła’s personality.

A series of workshops and walks held in Wesoła will collect materials to be used to examine and construct Wesoła’s personality. It will be an attempt to captivate the district’s unique genius loci by using state-of-the-art information technologies and speculative design. Participants in the project will attempt to answer the question whether they are willing to hand over authorship to a non-human entity revealed as part of the creative process. We hope to find out what kinds of conditions and rules would encourage us to give up authorship rights for the non-human entity of Wesoła – the latest cultural phenomenon of the future.

The project is a prototype of spending free time and participating in culture developed during creative workshops held by the Observatory for Cultural Trends, titled “Designing cultural participation by the creative industry based on trends, data and future scenarios”.

Our partners

Miasto Kraków
Unia Europejska