Without you – our audiences, guests and listeners – our events wouldn’t exist! Culture means people, meetings, relations and emotions. Our aim is to be as accessible as possible so that everyone, regardless of gender, age and ability, is able to participate in our events. As KBF we want to reach everyone, including groups in danger of exclusion, people with special needs and kids. Our focus on education means our activities can take on myriad formulas: from low-key lessons and lectures, via learning through play and workshops, to wide-reaching interdisciplinary campaigns.
When organising events, we focus on working with children and young people, as well as teachers and educators. We want our wide range of activities to reach as many audiences as possible, both those who are focused in their interests and those yet to find their passion.

Most of our activities are multidisciplinary, giving us access to a wide range of tools enabling us to present the most fascinating aspects of culture and the arts. Most of our activities are thematically linked with our festivals and other events. They include creative and interactive workshops, meetings with artists, experts and festival organisers, panels, mini-concerts, lectures, themed walks, accessibility workshops and lesson plans drawn up jointly with educators.
We’re as delighted visiting schools as we are inviting participants to see us, in particular at the Potocki Palace in the very heart of Kraków at 20 Rynek Główny, where we host many events organised or co-organised by KBF, including cyclical workshops and panels. They include the hugely popular cycle of literary workshops for children Literary Moments, led by Beata Kwiecińska and Maciej Dąbrowski, open and accessible to all pupils including those from special schools.

Our collaborations allow us to improve and expand our educational activities. For example, we have a long-term relationship with the Printmaking and Media School Centre in Kraków, launched during the Film Music Festival. The students attended a cycle of workshops and meetings on cinematic arts. KBF was selected as the patron of the school’s film competition.
To make sure we are able to help others learn effectively, we are always striving to learn ourselves, and we involve Kraków’s students in educational dialogues. We work with students and staff of schools including: High School No. 10, High School No. 7, Sports Championship School Complex, High School No. 3 Kolegium Europejskie, High School No. 11, Electrical School Complex No. 1 in Kraków, Primary School no. 26.
In February 2023, we held an all-day hackathon under the banner “Culture for Young People”, including students at schools of all levels designing their dream cultural events. As a result, we have been able to learn about the needs, expectations and demands of young cultural audiences.

KBF has also worked with representatives of the Kraków Youth Council and other organisations and associations bringing together young people. We also work with: Special School Complex no. 14, Special School no. 121, Special Education Centre No. 2, Fr. Alojzy Kosiba School Complex, Social Therapy Centre for Young People, Community Centre for People with Special Needs in Skawina.
At KBF we believe in the great educational power of culture, meetings and dialogue! We are open to all suggestions of collaborating with schools, institutions, organisations, teachers and educators.
Do get in touch!

Elżbieta Błońska
elzbieta.blonska@kbf.krakow.pl 692 404 014