
Translatorium Mentoring Programme

Translatorium is a programme addressed to persons interested in translating foreign literature into Polish who have no more than one published translation of a literary work. The programme is individual, with each qualified person working for several months on a translation under the guidance of a translator with an established track record and authority in the community, and the relationship is a student–master one.

In addition, novice translators attend a weekend class covering copyright law and relationships between publishers and translators once a year. The whole programme culminates in a public presentation of the translation prepared under the programme in a volume of approximately one publishing sheet to students of the Translation Studies Centre of the Jagiellonian University.

The aim of the programme is to educate the next generation of translators and interpreters, who will introduce foreign-language masterpieces to the Polish reader – the concern for high-quality translations of ambitious literature goes hand in hand with the desire to popularise literature from other language areas in Poland. The programme also allows young translators to establish contact with publishers and professional colleagues.

Participants are selected through an open nationwide two-stage competition (first a piece of translation is assessed, and then successful applicants are interviewed by the competition commission).

The languages covered by the programme vary and are announced every year.

The originators of the Translatorium Mentoring Programme are: KFO – operator of the Krakow UNESCO City of Literature programme, the Translation Studies Centre of the Jagiellonian University, and the Association of Literary Translators.

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Miasto Kraków
Unia Europejska