The experimental creative programme is aimed at people with different backgrounds and experiences specialising in developing documentaries for children. The project is organised and implemented by the A. Wajda Film Centre in Warsaw.
While children’s documentaries are a hugely popular in the Netherlands and Scandinavia, they remain relatively unknown in Poland. We are aiming to change this through SKOK W DOK – after all we really need a medium to help us communicate with others and to understand ourselves and the world around us. Documentaries are a perfect tool for this, and they should be accessible to everyone regardless of age.
During the all-day sessions, adult participants are assisted by tutors on their ideas for documentaries for children. We treat our future audiences seriously, and we consult our ideas with young viewers. Our young experts also learn the principles of documentary-making and film critique and analysis. The project closes with a public pitch of the ideas to experts as part of the partner festival Millennium Docs Against Gravity. The project is partnered by the Kraków Film Commission.