Almost two-metre high and those just over half a metre high, double-sided and single-sided, indoors and outdoors – 34 Christmas cribs will be waiting in Krakow’s urban space from 5th December. The pride of Krakow shimmering with a thousand colours, with soaring roofs, multicoloured facades, beautiful stained-glass windows, traditional figures but also characters that may surprise us – Krakow’s Christmas cribs attract thousands of visitors every year. Enjoying the beauty of winter in Krakow, we admire the results of work of enthusiasts who maintain this beautiful tradition with great dedication. The cribs will be on display until 2nd February 2025.
More than 30 fairy-tale constructions can be admired in windows of shops, hotels, restaurants, shopping malls and also in illuminated free-standing showcases; obviously, the largest structures in popular squares attract particular attention.
Download the Nativity Scenes guide map and discover them all!

The significance of Krakow crib-making – a unique tradition dating back to the 19th century and nurtured by entire multi-generational crib-making families – was confirmed in 2018 by the first Polish inscription on UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Thanks to this peculiar generational relay, new unique works are created every year, combining the canonical form of the Krakow Christmas crib with the unfettered imagination of its creators. On this year’s route of the walk Around the Crib, we will see works by representatives of many famous families: Malik, Dłużniewski, Markowski, Czyż, Freiberg or Zarzycki.
The 15 nativity scenes placed in large display cases have been marked with QR codes that take you to the audiodescription recordings. Descriptions in Polish and English were prepared by audiodescriptor Malgorzata Hordyniec.